[PRO BONO] May 2019 – Vaccaro-Incisa to serve as Judge for the Telders International Law Moot Court Competition (NL)
May 23-25, 2019 – Vaccaro-Incisa to serve as Judge for the Telders International Law Moot Court Competition (NL).
May 23-25, 2019 – Vaccaro-Incisa to serve as Judge for the Telders International Law Moot Court Competition (NL).
May 2019 – Within the framework of the EU Jean Monnet Network LAwTTIP programme, King’s College London has released the preliminary findings of Dr. Vaccaro-Incisa’s research on “Preliminary thoughts on the conceptual compatibility between i) annulment grounds in ICSID and civil law systems featuring a Cour de Cassation, and ii) the role and function of ICSID ad hoc annulment committee members and the Judges of the International Court of Justice. A comparative analysis, in the context of ISDS reform“.
The paper may be found in the collection document LAwTTIP Working Paper 2018/3.
Apr. 2019 – Routledge Publishing has recently released the book Asian Perspectives on International Investment Law, edited by Professor Junji Nakagawa (Tokyo University).
Dr. Vaccaro-Incisa authored Chapter 8, delving on ‘Objective criteria and ratione legis condition in the definition of investment: global trends and the Chinese practice‘.
Nov. 2018 – Dr. Vaccaro-Incisa has been appointed sole arbitrator in institutional proceedings for the settlement of a dispute related to property aspects of an international M&A operation. No further details may be disclosed at this time.
Oct. 2018 – Within the framework of the EU Jean Monnet Network LAwTTIP programme, Dr. Vaccaro-Incisa has been invited to present at King’s College London Dickson Poon School of Law his preliminary comparative research between grounds of annulment of decisions in ICSID investor-State arbitration and those in civil law legal systems featuring a Cour de Cassation.
19-24 Aug. 2018 – As part of a successful joint panel proposal on Investment disputes and challenging boundary issues over land and sea, presented with co-panelists Ms. Christine Sims (NUS) and Mr. Sebastian Wuschka (Buchum / Luther), Dr. Vaccaro-Incisa has been invited to speak about Investment arbitration and questions of public international law: temporal extent, legality requirement, and infamous commas in the Russia-Ukraine BIT at the upcoming biennial meeting of the International Law Association (ILA), organized around the framework topic Developing International Law in Challenging Times and held at the InterContinental Hotel in Sidney, Australia, on 19-24 August 2018.
Chair of the panel is Professor August Reinisch (Vienna).
Vaccaro Incisa Melbourne Law School
Jul. 2018 – Dr. Vaccaro-Incisa has been invited by the Law School of the University of Melbourne to speak, on Fri., Aug. 17th, about Investment Treaty Arbitration Reforms: What Role for the International Court of Justice?
Discussant of the seminar will be Dr. Jarrod Hepburn, International Arbitrator Reporter Senior Editor and Senior Lecturer at Melbourne Law School.
Jul. 2018 – Dr. Vaccaro-Incisa has been invited by the University of Sidney’s Centre for Asia and Pacific Law (CAPLUS) to speak, on Tue., Jul. 31st, about Reforming investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS): Investment courts, other alternatives, and China’s role.
Discussant of the seminar will be Professors Vivienne Bath and Luke Nottage, co-directors of CAPLUS.
May 23rd, 2018 – Dr. Vaccaro-Incisa has been appointed for the 1st time sole arbitrator to solve an international dispute in the fashion & textile sector in Southeastern Europe. Information over parties and proceedings are, for the time being, confidential.*
*Parties have agreed to the information shared on this page.
May 9, 2018 – The ‘Talk!‘ page of the European Journal of International Law (EJIL), directed by Prof. Marko Milanovic (Nottingham University), published a post today of Prof. Vaccaro-Incisa briefly commenting certain aspects of the recent jurisdictional decisions in the investment arbitration proceedings pitting Ukrainian investors against Russia for their investments made in Crimea prior to the ‘change of effective sovereign’ the peninsula went through in February-March 2014.
The short analysis follows on April 2017 publication of Prof. Vaccaro-Incisa on the public international law issue of Crimea’s change of sovereign, and January 2018 speaking engagement at ICC YAF Frankfurt on the review of year 2017 of developments in investment law and arbitration.